An after-school program with a focus on Chinese culture & education

Mission Statement

To provide a uniquely tailored after school program that fulfills the needs of the school, teachers and parents of Mandarin Dual Immersion Program students, and enhance students' cognitive learning of Chinese Culture.

Our Program

What we do

  1. Help students complete their homework for the day/week
  2. Review what students learned in the morning and supplement relevant cultural knowledge
  3. Provide children with a safe, postivie and enjoyable extended learning environment
  4. Meet the three needs of students, teachers and parents of American English/Mandarin dual immersion courses
Our Program

Who we are

We are a dedicated and highly experienced group of educators. We have many years of teaching experience in Walnut Valley, Pomona and Corona-Norco School Disctrict. Programs include Saturday, zero period and after-school Chinese Classes

Register your student today!